
Poker Combinaison English

Poker Pok'er, n. [Of uncertain etymol.] A game at cards derived from brag, and first played about 1835 in the Southwestern United States. --Johnson's Cyc. [1913 Webster]

Note: A poker hand is played with a poker deck, composed of fifty-two cards, of thirteeen values, each card value being represented once in each of four 'suits', namely spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs. The game is played in many variations, but almost invariably the stage of decision as to who wins occurs when each player has five cards (or chooses five cards from some larger number available to him). The winner usually is the player with the highest-valued hand, but, in some variations, the winner may be the player with the lowest-valued hand. The value of a hand is ranked by hand types, representing the relationships of the cards to each other. [The hand types are ranked by the probability of receiving such a hand when dealt five cards.] Within each hand type the value is also ranked by the values of the cards. The hand types are labeled, in decreasing value: five of a kind; royal flush; straight flush; four of a kind; full house (coll. full boat, or boat); flush; straight; three of a kind; two pairs; one pair; and, when the contending players have no hands of any of the above types, the player with the highest-valued card wins -- if there is a tie, the next-highest-valued card of the tied players determines the winner, and so on. If two players have the same type of hand, the value of the cards within each type determines the winner; thus, if two players both have three of a kind (and no other player has a higher type of hand), the player whose three matched cards have the highest card value is the winner.

DictionaryCombinaisonPoker Combinaison English

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

Poker Combinaison English Game

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Poker Combinaison English Games

  • Poker — is a type of card game in which players bet on the value of the card combination ( hand ) in their possession, by placing a bet into a central pot. The winner is the one who holds the hand with the highest value according to an established hand… … Wikipedia

  • poker — [ pɔkɛr ] n. m. • 1855; mot angl., p. ê. de poquer I ♦ 1 ♦ Jeu de cartes dans lequel chaque joueur, disposant de cinq cartes, peut gagner l argent misé s il possède la combinaison de cartes la plus forte ou s il parvient à le faire croire à ses… … Encyclopédie Universelle

  • poker — [n] card game blind poker, draw poker, five card stud poker, seven card stud poker, straight poker, strip poker, stud poker; concepts 260,271 … New thesaurus

  • Poker — Smn (Glücksspiel) erw. fach. (20. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus ne. poker, dieses aus frz. poque, Variante von poche Tasche ; gemeint ist der Einsatz. Verb: pokern geschickt taktieren . Ebenso nndl. poker, ne. poker, nfrz. poker, nschw. poker … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • Poker d'As — (homonymie) Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Poker d as, jeu de poker se jouant avec cinq dés dont les faces représentent des cartes à jouer. Cinéma Poker d as, film français réalisé par… … Wikipédia en Français

  • Poker — Pok er, n. [From {Poke} to push.] 1. One who pokes. [1913 Webster] 2. That which pokes or is used in poking, especially a metal bar or rod used in stirring a fire of coals. [1913 Webster] 3. A poking stick. Decker. [1913 Webster] 4. (Zo[ o]l.)… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • poker — pòker m DEFINICIJA hazardna kartaška igra SINTAGMA poker face (izg. poker fȇjs) izraz lica koji ništa ne odaje ETIMOLOGIJA amer.engl. ≃ srnnjem. poken: hiniti, varati, blefirati … Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Poker — Poker: Der Name des Kartenglücksspiels wurde Anfang des 20. Jh.s aus gleichbed. engl. amerik. poker entlehnt, dessen weitere Herkunft unklar ist. – Abl.: pokern »Poker spielen« (Anfang 20. Jh.) … Das Herkunftswörterbuch

  • poker — ☆ poker1 [pō′kər ] n. [< ? Ger pochspiel, lit., game of defiance < pochen, to defy, orig., to push (< MHG bochen, puchen, akin to LowG poken, POKE1) + spiel, game] a card game in which the players bet on the value of their hands (of five … English World dictionary

  • Pöker — Pöker(Pöks)m Gesäß.»Pöks«istaus»Podex«zusammengezogen,wohingegendieVokabel»Pöker«dieEndungvon»Hinterer«aufgreift.1870ff,niederd … Wörterbuch der deutschen Umgangssprache

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate:

Poker Combinaison English Definition

The term “ combinations ” (combos for short) is mostly used when discussing either Hold’em or Omaha variants, although it can presumably be used to describe a specific combination of cards in any variant. There are 1326 unique combinations of two cards that can be dealt preflop in Hold’em. The standard 52-card deck of French-suited playing cards is the most common pack of playing cards used today. In English-speaking countries it is the only traditional pack used for playing cards; in many countries of the world, however, it is used alongside other traditional, often older, stand. Poker is almost always played with the standard 52-card deck, the playing cards in each of the four suits (spades, hearts, diamonds, clubs) ranking A (high), K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, A (low only in the straight a series of five cards numbered consecutively or straight flush a series of five cards numbered consecutively within the.

Poker Combinaison English Dictionary

Nous entendons souvent les phrases comme «univers envoyer des messages» ou «sérendipité» lorsque les gens décrivent un événement qui change la vie inattendue, ou une invention qui est arrivé de façon inattendue comme une conséquence totalement involontaire bien sûr par ailleurs normal d'actions. En tant que scientifique, je ne pense qu'aucune nouvelle invention qui se passe soit par la meilleure conception d'expériences ou de la chance coïncidence pris isolément. Une analyse plus approfondie révèle toujours que toute invention notable est souvent le résultat d'une réunion synergique de probabilité statistique avec la stratégie bien planifiée, à savoir qu'il est une combinaison de l'incertitude avec certitude qui se produit au bon moment dans le bon endroit. Que Louis Pasteur a déclaré correctement, le hasard ne favorise toujours que les esprits préparés. Donc à mon avis, vous devez garder votre esprit alerte, vif et bien préparé à tout moment tout en travaillant sur vos objectifs, parce que vous ne savez jamais quand sérendipité vous rendra visite, ou lorsque univers serait tapez sur votre épaule pour vous donner les signes fortuites. Seulement votre esprit préparé vous permettrait d'accueillir merveilleuse sérendipité dans votre vie, et de comprendre les signes subtils envoyés par univers.