
Famous Casino Robberies


Have you ever looked at a bank teller counting out thousands and wondered

Clearly, Bill Brennan, an employee of the now-defunct Stardust Casino in Las Vegas, had thought just such things, and he decided to go ahead and do it himself back in 1992.

See full list on historyplex.com. The Most Famous Casino Crimes in History January 20, 2020 by admin When Willie Sutton, an American bank robber was captured in 1952 after a criminal career which spanned 40 years, he was asked why he had chosen the profession he had.

Famous Casino RobberiesFamous Casino RobberiesFamous

Brennan pulled off what must be one of the simplest, least-violent heists of all time. He simply packed half a million dollars into a sports bag and walked out of the joint, never to be seen again.

Las Vegas Casino Robberies

To this very day, there is fascination and speculation surrounding this case. Some speculate that Brennan was being blackmailed in some way, while others believe he had an accomplice who killedhim for the cash.

Others believe that he’s simply sunning himself on a tropical island somewhere out in the big, bad world. Nobody knows, and at this stage in the game, it’s highly likely that nobody ever will.



It’s worth noting that of all the heists mentioned so far, he’s the only one that didn’t get caught, even if he did possibly end up dead.