
Can U Stop Gambling Cold Turkey


Good question, is it possible for me to quit gambling alone without any counseling or groups.

Substances like tobacco, alcohol, and opioid pain relievers are highly addictive. After long-term use, it can be hard to stop taking them. Going cold turkey is one method to quit, but it doesn’t. The best sign-up bonuses at casinos are those that are lucrative, easy to understand, and do Stop Gambling Cold Turkey not restrict the betting process. To this end, has put together a list of the best sign-up bonuses offered by the most popular casinos online. All of these casinos are open to USA players and the sign-up bonuses are clear, concise, and offer. Can I Quit A Gambling Addiction Cold Turkey Like behavioral addiction gambling addiction is no different. Decided to quit. Quitting cold turkey is not advisable for everyone; in fact, it can be downright dangerous. Although it worked for me, it wasn't without its own set of burdens, and it took a lot of mental power and self-control to endure the process. Everyone is different, but here is some advice that does apply to everyone: Get some good medical advice. Stopping Seroquel Cold Turkey. Quitting Seroquel can be difficult because this medication is highly potent and affects major CNS functions. The regulation of neurotransmitters and levels of dopamine, histamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine is greatly affected. This can be dangerous when a person decides to stop Seroquel cold turkey.

I tried the meetings (Gamblers Anonymous) and did not care for them as they were only band-aids, some people will go to meetings for 15 or 20 years and still not know why they gambled. In saying this I must add that I have a very hard head. I gambled for over 20 years and was always broke, spend my last dollar many times before buying food.

Everyone is different and this may not work out for you but it did for me.

Very long story made short: I started reading many spiritual books, not religious but spiritual. Some people die without ever knowing themselves. The spiritual books and self help books i read helped my figure out what triggered my gambling, it was easier once I knew myself. Gambling for me was a great run away from all troubles, going brain dead as I called it.

When I did not want to deal with people or issues I would gamble. I found when someone upset me I would gamble for weeks on end over little matters. Once I learned to forgive those Idiots everything started going smoother. Also confronting any issues head on constantly and never letting them build up helped.

I started this ride a year and a half ago, August 2002. It took about 3 months before I started getting better and about 9 months to not have any urges. I must add this as it was to funny, I prayed to stop gambling and for a month, I had bad urges and gambled a bit in that time. While driving one day a thought came to mind, 'watch what you pray for' I started laughing out loud while at a stop light and thought: You fool !! I prayed that I would stop gambling but never thought to pray to not have urges.

It worked for me, I can only hope it will be easier for you.

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Is it possible for me to quit gambling alone without...
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 2007-06-03 13:50.

Authored by: prokopton on Thursday June 24, 2004
07:00 PM EDT


Hi Bill,

Ernie J here, a compulsive gambler. Going it alone has led you into trouble by gambling alone. I'm sure some people might have made it cold turkey, but I don't know any of them because they would not have attended any meetings (Gamblers Anonymous). So you never hear about them. Quitting gambling is what you need to do, but what are the reasons for it. Not only do you have to dwell on your gambling losses, emotional problems occur. Do you feel good about yourself? Have you left your wife and children alone just to go gambling? Have you hurt them by not being around? If you have a wife with a sympathetic ear talk to her now, tell her of your losses. You are gambling on your future.

Authored by: denisec on Sunday March 12, 2006
09:13 AM EST

Anything is possible. It just didn't work out that way for me, to quit alone. I gambled for twenty years and tried many things to quit, but until I was really ready it didn't happen. I know for myself I could have never done it alone and GA has helped me see many of the reasons I gambled. I think to really give GA a chance to work you really have to give it at least 90 days of going to many meetings. Going once or twice a week is not going to do it for you if you gambled everyday.

Authored by: prokopton on Thursday June 24, 2004
07:03 PM EDT


I am a busy professional with a family and good job. I have been gambling for about 3 years. It started on the internet where I won playing blackjack (about $32,000 one night). I enjoyed playing 5 hands at once at $1,000 each hand. After a while I got tired of playing blackjack, plus, I was starting to lose more than win. I did win sometimes (sometimes very big money), but for some reason, it was very easy for me to give up internet gambling.

The real casino gambling has proven much more difficult. I have to drive through Vegas a lot (about 5 times a year), and of course, got to be on the comp list at the highest level at several hotels there due to my 35 hours of play at an average of $300 to $700 per hand in blackjack. Sometimes I would win $25,000, sometimes I would lose $25,000 in one weekend visit. It got out of hand, but I only went 5 times a year, so it didn't bankrupt me. Then an Indian casino opened near my home (about 1 hour drive). I figure I have lost
about $300,000 there during the past year and a half.

I have tried quitting many times. Now I am trying to pray to God every day to help me. I am also trying to talk with my wife more and spend more time with my children. I am wondering if this is going to work. It has only been a week since I have tried this way, but I feel good about it right now. I am wondering, is it possible for me to quit alone without any counseling or groups. I am a solitary man in many ways (except for my family) and I don't feel comfortable around groups of people or counselors.

Has anyone out there made it alone and succeeded? I would like to hear from you if you have.

Can U Stop Gambling Cold Turkey Trot

Authored by: charmed1djl on Thursday December 30, 2004
12:00 AM EST

YES IT IS POSSIBLE TO QUIT GAMBLING. We all gamble for different reasons, from what you wrote you have money to gamble, I don't . I never had money, then when my husband died, I had (the operative word) all kinds of money. I would have been set up pretty nice, put it that way. Now I'm broke and the story goes on. Anyway, I did quit frequenting the Casino's, when my husband was still alive. I quit for a year, because i knew how much he despised it and also i know what it's done for my folks. Then he died, and I went crazy...........I mean crazy........not just gambling, but drinking too. Needless to say I'm back where i started and it sucks. I'm poor, as they say, a fool and their money shall soon part... I'm one hell of a fool. I'm so poor I can't pay attention... that's why i gamble, to try and get some money to pay my bills. Back to you...P.S. No more or I'll lose my house

Can u stop gambling cold turkey trot

Authored by: day-to-day on Wednesday March 22, 2006
08:15 PM EST

I am a compulsive gambler...plain and simple...why did we do it? That question will never be answered. It is the way we are 'wired'. We don't need to know why we gambled. Approach a compulsive gambling addiction day-to-day. As long as you did not gamble today, that is what matters..

Gambling has become more and more prominent in our society andaccess to gambling is very present, especially in Oregon. I have agreat deal of experience treating problem gamblers and theirfamilies. I have included here a short article that I wrote aboutproblem gambling and recovery.

Nobody wakes up one day and decides to become a gamblingaddict. Gambling usually begins as a recreational activity - it's away to spend time with friends while enjoying the game and theexcitement of the chance to win a few bucks. Recreational gamblersgenerally stick to a time and money budget. When they reach theirlimit, they stop and move on to the next activity.

Not so for the pathological gambler. Gambling addicts are notreally all that interested in winning or losing. Their main goal is tostay in action as long as possible. That action increases the levelsof certain chemicals in their brain, primarily dopamine andadrenaline, and those chemicals cause the gambler to feel happy andexcited. These are the same brain chemicals that are activated bycocaine use. Using modern imaging tools, we see that brain scans ofgamblers in action look practically identical to brains that are highon cocaine. Winning is good because it provides money to extend thegambling action. Money represents nothing more than the fuel to keepthe gambling going and the action keeps whatever painful thoughts andfeelings that the gambler is seeking to escape, at bay.

There are usually several distinct phases of gambling addiction:the winning phase, the losing phase and the desperation phase. As thedisease progresses from winning into losing and desperation, gamblersoften turn to criminal activity to fund their addiction. They will lieand steal from those close to them - family, friends, husbands, wives,parents and children. Some gamblers ultimately turn to suicide. Infact, gamblers attempt suicide at a rate that far exceeds that ofalmost any other clinical population. Forty-eight percent of gamblersin treatment in Oregon have had suicidal thoughts and nine percenthave made suicide attempts.

All of this occurs despite the fact that gamblers are generallybright, creative people. Many gamblers are educated and professionallyaccomplished. In this sense, gamblers' behavior is said to beego-dystonic, which means that it is incongruent with their truenature. Behaving in ways that run so counter to who they really are,gamblers generate a great deal of internal distress as they violatetheir own personal values time and time again. As they progress in theillness, they become more and more disconnected from loved ones, theirprofessional lives and themselves. Their dishonesty is not only towardothers, but also toward themselves.

Many people believe that if a gambler is losing excessive amountsof time and money gambling, they should just stop. The fact is,gambling addicts cannot 'just stop' any more than an alcoholic or drugaddict can stop using their drug of choice. Gambling addiction causeschanges in the gambler's brain in ways that require treatment andrecovery to arrest the addiction.

When gambling stops (usually when there's no more money), thegambler crashes - financially, physically, mentally, emotionally andspiritually. This crash is a combination of the gambler's realizationof the money and time lost, and the decrease in dopamine levels in thebrain that can lead to desperate thoughts and behavior. This is alsowhen gamblers may realize that they need professional help.

Recovery from gambling addiction begins with the gambler making anhonest assessment of his or her situation and deciding that they wantto stop gambling. The gambler must initiate abstinence and putbarriers in place to prevent access to money. Family members andfriends may be enlisted to help the gambler manage finances and theymust understand that the gambler is incapable of handling moneyresponsibly at this time.

Once the gambler has some time away from gambling and their systembegins to regain equilibrium, the confusion and mental fog created by gamblingwill begin to ease. Therapy can then address the issues that led themto gambling in the first place. For many, gambling is not their firstaddiction. Often gamblers have had previous problems with alcoholand/or other drugs, or compulsive shopping, spending, sex oreating. It is important to note that until the core issues areaddressed and resolved, individuals disposed to addiction will simplytrade one addiction for another. It is an attempt to mask the pain intheir lives. True recovery is achieved by doing the hard work tounderstand and make peace with life's difficulties.

Recovery from gambling addiction is a marathon, not a sprint. Itrequires effort, diligence and lifestyle changes that keep one healthyand safe from the cravings to gamble that will most surelyarise. Exercise, sleeping well, eating a healthy diet and maintainingnurturing relationships are all important parts of healthyrecovery.

Can U Stop Gambling Cold TurkeyCold

Can You Stop Gambling Cold Turkey

The ready availability of gambling has made it possible forgambling addiction to run rampant. In Oregon, gambling is as close asthe corner deli. Gambling addiction destroys lives and familieswithout bias - it affects men and women, young and old, rich andpoor. Like all addictions, it is a disease. But there is hope. Whenaddicts and families seek and engage professional help, true recoveryis possible.

Can U Stop Gambling Cold Turkey Brine

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