
Borgata Fall Poker Open Blog


Then in 2011, he took home his second Borgata trophy when he won the Fall Poker Open Seniors event ($15,175). Just yesterday, Arthur booked another cash in the BPO Seniors event, finishing 12th in a field of 108 entrants, proving he’s still got what it takes to compete on the green felt. A special thanks goes out to all Borgata tournament staff and dealers for a terrific series. On behalf of Borgata Poker Bloggers Tim Kelliher, Chris Murray, and myself, thank you for reading! Mark your calendars now for the Borgata Spring Poker Open, which takes place April 2nd-19th. Hope to see you then! Borgata Fall Poker Open 2020 Blog put money into a a USA online casino. Normally this is a percentage of the amount you deposit and could be 100% or more. Thus if you deposit €/£/$500 and are given a 100% deposit bonus, you will actually Borgata Fall Poker Open 2020 Blog receive €/£/$1,000 in your. Fall Poker Open Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa. The Event 12 field has been placed in the high-limit area of the Poker Room, and it’s beginning to fill up back. The $1 Million Guaranteed 2019 Borgata Summer Poker Open Championship fielded 514 entrants and created a prize pool in excess of $1.2 million. The final table was Live Streamed on Twitch TV and Borgata’s Facebook page and the audience watched as Jackob Datashvili made the right reads and caught the cards when he needed them.

Level 20 (Blinds 6,000/12,000/2,000)
Total Entries: 152
Players Remaining: 12
Chip Average: 190,000

Steve Nacht

Steve Nacht found an interesting route to knocking the tournament down by one player. He was all-in against Edward Betlow and dominated with {Kh}{Jh} versus [Ah}{Jd}.

That changed in a hurry when the dealer rolled out {Kc}{Jc}{3h} on the flop and a bonus {Ks} on the turn to leave Betlow drawing dead to the river.

Betlow picked up $774 for his efforts along with our “birthday boy” Neal Vital who was knocked out at the exact same time on Table 1.

Level 17 (Blinds 3,000/6,000/500)
Total Entries: 211
Players Remaining: 36
Chip Average: 205,000

The Crowd Around Table 5

As we were posting the hand with “X-Factor,” a crowd was hanging around Table 5, watching the final hand at the table before it broke. The board would read {9c} {10c} {js} {6d}, and James Woods would be in the tank, deciding whether to call the all-in bet of Storm Leroy (over James’s bet of 65,000). It was a total of 150,000 for Woods to call, and he’d stand for a few moments…sit back down…talk to himself…all before laying down the hand.

The crowd that surrounding the table could only wonder was Storm’s hand was, with Leroy shaking James’s hand and saying, “You made a good fold, it was a pleasure playing with you.” Leroy would chip up over 250,000 with the pot, and racked up his chips to go find his new table.

Level 19 (Blinds 5,000/10,000/1,000)
Total Entries: 152
Players Remaining: 15
Chip Average: 152,000

The Seniors Event players seem to be having more fun than your average No Limit Hold’em affair. Plenty of jokes and stories and “will you show if I fold” laughter.

The biggest laugh came from all 15 remaining when someone realized what is playing on one of the many TVs in the Borgata Poker Room.

It was a Life Alert commercial during a Columbo TV marathon.

The 50+ year old players then had plenty of traction with “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” cracks.

Level 17 (Blinds 3,000/6,000/500)
Total Entries: 211
Players Remaining: 39
Chip Average: 164,000


We just witnessed the largest pot of the tournament, opened by an unknown player to 6,000. After one fold, a player who wants to be mentioned as Joseph “Mush” Galazzo’s relative “X-Factor” three-bet to 13,000, with Jonathan Borenstein then four-betting to 28,000. Action folded around to the original raiser, who put together a five-bet to 55,000, and pushed it across the line.

With action once again on “X-Factor,” he went the six-bet route, pushing across a stack that made it 123,000 to go. Borenstein released his hand, and the player we will call “Y-Factor” announced himself all-in (having everyone covered). The call was made by “X” and the cards were turned over, with the pot at hand worth over 550,000:

X-Factor: {ah} {ad}
Y-Factor: {kh} {kc}

Runout: {jh} {8s} {7h} {qc} {10c}

“Can we change that seven to a nine,” the losing player asked the dealer. X-Factor pushed his remaining chips across the line, and his 253,000 was to be matched. After the chips were shipped his way, he became the chip leader with 575,000.

Level 19 (Blinds 5,000/10,000/1,000)
Total Entries: 152
Players Remaining: 15
Chip Average: 152,000

Neal Vital

There is usually a lot of post-bubble action once a tournament is in the money as the short-stacks trying to get back in the game and the big stacks try to build higher. They didn’t have that chance in this event since they went on dinner immediately after the bubble.

They came back and jumped right into the fray with three quick eliminations and Neal Vital was almost the fourth. He was all-in and in trouble with {5h}{5c} against Bret Painter’s {Ks}{Kc} for 159,000.

Vital quickly came from behind when they both saw the {5s} right in the window on the {Qh}{Qs}{5s} flop.

The turn and river ran clean and the “birthday boy” jumped up among the leaders. He’s celebrating his birthday today and a title would be a nice way to finish it off.

Level 17 (Blinds 3,000/6,000/500)
Total Entries: 211
Players Remaining: 41
Chip Average: 164,000

Players are finishing the hand they are on, and will be posting new blinds afterward, as Level 17 sees those left posting blinds of 3,000/6,000/500. We mentioned Brian O’Donoghue moving to Table 5 in our last post, joining the likes of James Woods and Sean Barringer. It would be the latter that eliminated Brian on the final hand of Level 16, making Sean the current chip leader with over 450,000.

Level 16 (Blinds 2,500/5,000/500)
Total Entries: 211
Players Remaining: 45
Chip Average: 164,000

James Woods (Los Angeles, CA)

James Woods (Los Angeles, CA) has received a ton of blog love here at Borgata, but opposed to discussing his famed career and budding poker resume, this time it’s about his chip stack. James is one of the only players in the field over 400,000, and is likely our chip leader after scooping his most recent pot.


“What’s a guy gotta do to get on the blog with over 300,000 in chips,” Woods jokingly asked the media while waiting for play to begin after dinner. Woods would of been one of our notables stacks on break had he not disappeared from his seat before we could catch whose stack it was.

Woods may be the chip leader at the moment, but things just got a little harder for him, as Table 6 breaks, and notable tournament professional Brian O’Donoghue joins the table. Also seated to Woods’s direct left is former chip leader Sean Barringer.

Level 18 (Blinds 4,000/8,000/1,000)
Total Entries: 152
Players Remaining: 18
Chip Average: 130,000

The Seniors Event players had to wait a little while for their dinner break but they all left knowing they were already in the money.

There are about five minutes remaining on the clock before things get back underway but it will take a little longer to kick things off with the redraw at 18 players.

They’ll be here for the long haul and won’t stop (besides breaks) until the champion is crowned.

Level 16 (Blinds 2,500/5,000/500)
Total Entries: 211
Players Remaining: 51
Chip Average: 144,000

Players are seated once again in the Signature Room, and the cards are in the air for the post-dinner break portion of Event 7. The levels have transitioned to (40) minutes in length, and will stay that way until the tournament’s conclusion. The payouts were handed to the media during break, and can now be found posted below:

Event 7 ($350 + 50 Deeper Stack No Limit Hold’em Re-Entry)

Total Entries: 211
Total Prize Fund: $71,635


  1. $20,057
  2. $11,820
  3. $6,805
  4. $5,516
  5. $4,298
  6. $3,582
  7. $2,865
  8. $2,149
  9. $1,433

10-12. $931
13-15. $788
16-18. $716
19-27. $645

Level 18 (Blinds 4,000/8,000/1,000)
Total Entries: 152
Players Remaining: 18
Chip Average: 130,000

We knew that the dinner breaks for Event 6 and Event 7 would likely occur around the same time, so once the players from Event 7 left the Signature Room, we headed over to the poker room. To our surprise, the Seniors field that remained was still playing Level 18. “Are they on dinner after this level,” we asked the tournament supervisor, who told us that they would be breaking once the bubble burst.

The turbo-ish type structure of the tournament had the 152 entry field on the stone bubble before the dinner break somehow, with all eyes on Ed Prindiville (Brick, NJ). Prindiville was letting himself blind down, trying to somehow find a hand to get it in with, or hope that another player at one of the three tables put themselves at risk. The was an all-in about (7) hands into hand-for-hand play, but players held the same hand and things would end in a chop.

It would then be Prindiville’s big blind, and he would have to commit 9,000 of his 15,000 stack. Rob Muzzio limped UTG (with 160,000 behind), and to everyone’s surprise, the player UTG +2 shoved for 20,400. Action folded around (including Prindiville) and Muzzio would make the call of 12,400 more:

Muzzio: {ah} {9d}
Player X: {kc} {ks}

Flop: {6h} {8c} {jd}
Turn: {ac}
River: {2s}

“Put an ace out there,” Prindiville said after the flop, and just like that, the dealer granted his wish. The unknown player would walk away as the bubble boy, shaking his head while he talked to himself all the way out of the Poker Room. The remaining (18) players are all in the money, and are now on their (60) minute dinner break. Dinner will taste a little bit better for Prindiville, who somehow managed to make it into the money.

$350+$50 Almighty Stack NLH Re-Entry
$1,000,000 Guaranteed

Level 7: Blinds 600/1,200/200 ante
Entries: 272

Bruce Yamron, in the small blind, just found himself all-in for his last few chips against two opponents, who were looking at a board of . One player bet and got called, showing pocket Tens for an overpair to the board. His opponent mucked and Bruce followed suit, pushing his cards in and getting up to leave.

Bruce lives in Naples, FL, which was just hit pretty hard by Hurricane Irma, while he has been here at Borgata. All our thoughts are with the people who were devastated by this second massive storm in just a couple of weeks.

$300+$40 Deepest Stack NLH Re-Entry
$200,000 Guaranteed

Level 21 (8,000/16,000/2,000)
Total Entries: 726
Players Remaining: 79
Average Stack: 368,000

Josias Santos is close to becoming the first player to breach the 1,000,000 chip barrier as the Event 8 field near the money.

The Event 8 field is just under one table from reaching the money bubble as the first break of the day nears. This fast-paced event never fails to be full of action and even after the 72 ITM players earn themselves at least $613, there will continue to be an abundance of all-ins.

The first player to hit 1,000,000 should be arriving soon and the current favorite to hit that milestone is Josias Santos. Santos started play with 471,000 and is approaching the 900,000 mark. A cash today is all but a formality for Santos and he has his eye set on a much larger prize.

At the conclusion of Level 21, the field will be on a short break with the bubble to follow right after. A look at the current leaderboard is below.

Josias Santos – 850,000
Jon Borenstein – 760,000
Ephraim Uzan – 755,000
Travis Decker – 720,000
Justin Finberg – 670,000
Wooyang Lin – 640,000
Alex Rocha – 600,000
Matt Sullivan – 565,000
Men Nguyen – 530,000
Travis Hartshorn – 520,000
Sean Shah – 500,000

$350+$50 Almighty Stack NLH Re-Entry
$1,000,000 Guaranteed

Level 6: Blinds 500/1,000/200 ante
Entries: 247

Don Fisher finished 2nd in this event last year, out of 2,858 entries, to earn more than $109,000. That remains Don’s best live cash and half of this total reported live earnings of just under $219,000.

It’s also the closest Don has come to a win here at Borgata and to do better this year he’s going to have to go all the way.

$300+$40 Deepest Stack NLH Re-Entry
$200,000 Guaranteed

Level 20 (6,000/12,000/2,000)
Total Entries: 726
Players Remaining: 87
Average Stack: 334,000

Alex Rocha is utilizing the “interview run good” and is playing triple the 180,000 he started Day 2 with.

Poker table fashion will never go out of style and there are quite a few players who stand out more than most for the gear they bring to the felt. Alex Rocha occasionally dons a scarf or a fun hat and that separates him from some of his competitors. Rocha is donning a Super Mario lid today as he plays on Day 2 of the Deepest Stack event along with a pair of sunglasses that harken back to a few decades ago.

We caught up Rocha before the start of Day 2 to ask him about his recent trip to Barcelona and the story behind his glasses as he attempts to better his 24th place finish in this event from January.

*If watching on mobile, please use headphones for optimal audio quality

$350+$50 Almighty Stack NLH Re-Entry
$1,000,000 Guaranteed

Level 5: Blinds 400/800/100 ante

Almighty Stack players are back from their break and the green 25 chips have been colored up and removed from play.

Michael Newman has already tripled his starting stack.

Before the break, Michael Newman took out two players and is up to triple his starting stack.

As he tells it, he was holding T8 on a board of J 9 5 Q for the straight and one of his opponents had J9 for two pair. The other had a gutshot and both whiffed the river. Now Michael’s stacking about 300,000 (375 big blinds).

Michael is originally from New York, but now lives in Florida. He’s recorded ten tournament wins in Hollywood, FL, but is glad to be back up north this week.

$350+$50 Almighty Stack NLH Re-Entry
$1,000,000 Guaranteed

End of Level 4: Blinds 300/600/75 ante

Almighty Stack Flight A players are enjoying their first break of the day. They’ve got 15 minutes to grab-and-go and the Marketplace food court is ready, just off the tournament floor, serving up hot and cold selections.

If you have to spend your break on more important matters, just signal a floor-person and request table-side food service. Someone will come take your order and deliver it right to your seat!

$300+$40 Deepest Stack NLH Re-Entry
$200,000 Guaranteed

Level 19 (5,000/10,000/1,000)
Total Entries: 726
Players Remaining: 100
Average Stack: 300,000

Justin Finberg lightened the Event 8 field by one with less than 30 players to go before the money bubble hits.

In under two levels of play, the Deepest Stack event has broken four tables as the field dwindles to 100. Only 28 players are left to exit before the 72-player money bubble hits and Justin Finberg recently busted a player to speed along that process as well as boost his stack.

Finberg opened to 25,000 on the button and the big blind jammed for 65,000. Finberg called with and was flipping against his opponent’s . The flop brought a nine to Finberg and he had the pot secured by the turn.

Stacks are starting to grow in the Event 8 field and Finberg remains among the upper echelon of the counts with over 700,000. As the field approached the bubble, the BPO blog will return with a full look at the tournament leaderboard.

$350+$50 Almighty Stack NLH Re-Entry
$1,000,000 Guaranteed

Level 4: Blinds 300/600/75 ante

Charlie Boncich, aka Charlie Poker, was looking at a board of and called all-in after the player on his left shoved. Charlie’s (top two pair) had been beat on the turn by his opponent’s (turned straight).

The river delivered a 4-outer , giving Charlie a full house and the pot. The stacks were close and had to be counted down, but Charlie had his opponent covered.

Borgata Poker Fall Open 2019 Blog

Before he walked away, the unlucky player unleashed a barrage of invective at Charlie, who took it all in stride as he collected and stacked his newly-won chips. He’s now up to about 225,000.

$300+$40 Deepest Stack NLH Re-Entry
$200,000 Guaranteed

Level 18 (4,000/8,000/1,000)
Total Entries: 726
Players Remaining: 123
Average Stack: 214,000

The Borgata Poker Open is chugging toward the World Poker Tour Main Event in the second week of events here. It is a common decision among some players to not jump into action until midway through a BPO series and two players familiar with the Borgata championship stage are looking to use today’s Event 8 Day 2 for the bigger buy-ins to come.

Borgata Fall Poker Open Blog 2017

Travis Hartshorn earned his first piece of BPO glory and over $300,000 for winning the 2016 Fall Poker Open Main Event. That win capped off a breakout year for Hartshorn, who made $474,000 in his first year of tournament poker. Hartshorn has put together a few deep runs this year, including a 15th place finish in the Spring Poker Open Main Event and is awaiting his first title of 2017.

Rafael Yaraliyev made a name for himself in January 2016 after coming in second in the WPT Main Event for $487,000. Proving himself as not a one-hit wonder, Yaraliyev made a WSOP final table later that year and has been a player in most BPO series since. Still yet to win his first BPO title, Yaraliyev is in the hunt for first place victory today.

$300+$40 Deepest Stack NLH Re-Entry
$200,000 Guaranteed

Level 18: Blinds 4,000/8,000/1,000 ante
Total Entries: 726
Players Remaining: 136
Average Stack: 214,000

We’ve got 136 players returning for Day 2 of the Deepest Stack with Jon Borenstein leading the charge. The final 72 will get paid as shown below

Borgata Fall Poker Open Blog Free

10 – 12$2,641
13 – 15$1,901
16 – 18$1,310
19 – 27$1,120
28 – 36$993
37 – 45$887
46 – 54$782
55 – 63$697
64 – 72$613